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Model Nbr - T-0200-044
Model Nbr - T-0200-044
200 (Gallons) - 56" (Dim. A) - 24" (Dim. B) - 44" (Dim. C) - 15" (Dim. D) - 8" (Dim. E) - 24.5" (Dim. F) - 7.5" (Dim. G) - 35.5" (Dim. H) - 6" (Full Size) - 1.5" (Outlet Size)-75 lbs (Wt.) - The Dura-LIFE® oval ag tanks are designed to fit most ag equipment saddles and cradles. Hastings offers two standard size. Oval ag tanks also include gallonage indicator, fill lid, and other fitting.
Price: Market Pricing